Thursday, March 25, 2010

God's Masterpiece

Today I want to share about God's love. Please take a look at this:
If you have watched it, lets watch it again. I've watched it a few times,but it keep reminding me on how He loves us.

A father disciplines the one HE loves. Let us let God work in our life, creating His masterpiece.
Like the man said "God doesnt make junk". Whatever sinful actions or dark memories we have, he is there and waiting to chisel us.
One of the greatest gifts God has given us is the opportunity to start again- and no exception, we all need a fresh start.

For we are God's masterpiece, He created us anew in Christ Jesus so that we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. Ephesians 2:10

Masterpiece- showpiece; blockbuster, success; gem, jewel, prize, treasure...these are the synomyms (words that mean the same) for masterpiece.
Hmm, I don't feel like a masterpiece. I certainly dont look like a masterpiece. How can this be..

God loves what He created, so shouldnt we too? I struggled much not to get down on myself. I focus on what I do wrong more than what I do right. I look in the mirror, try on some clothes, compare myself to someone else and I feel just... Yeah. Whats special about me?

But thats not what my Creator thinks. He says, "Oh, you don't always get it right, but I love you so much. Look in My mirror and see what I see; my beautiful creation; My treasure; My masterpiece. And the sooner you see yourself for who you really are, the sooner you can begin your reign as My priceless princess with a purpose."

Repeat after me, "I am a MASTERPIECE." And mean it when you say it. Because you are :)

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Arise & Build

"He leads the humble in justice, and He teaches the humble His way"
Psalms 25:9

As I typed these words, I was overwhelmed by gratitude to God. Two weeks back, I was aking for His guidance on how much should I give for my church's Arise & Build. I know that there are some conditions need to be met first.
In Isaiah 58, we find that the conditions are honoring God, observing the Sabbath, not pointing the finger in accusation of others,etc. Above all, having a humble heart. Humility is the key that unlock His provision.
"And the Lord will continually guide you" written in Isaiah 58:11.

In one of the morning prayers, a voice whispered in my heart to give a certain amount. I was surprised. Well, it might not seem very pleasant at that moment; since there is a gap between my own thoughts, reasons and His. Then in the weekend service, He spoke again through a verse in Luke. Wow,He is God-He has the right to pick what He wants to say,how to say and even confirm it again!
It became my task afterward, to show a right response. Yesterday, after I withdraw some cash to be given this weekend, I suddenly received email offering 2 part-time jobs,which is a very rare opportunity given by my school.Indeed He is the Provider! Amazing!

If we can hear God's voice and have been called to do a small task in building His kingdom, let's be grateful because we are found worthy to be His children and we are to be TESTED on the promises He has given. God won't allow us to be tested beyound what we can bear. He is a loving Father who wants His children to succeed. He wants us to grow up becoming more like Him.
Although we may find it difficult to fulfill, we can be sure of His character, which is good; and expect for His promises. Sacrificial giving is foundational if we want our life show that we are following His steps.
God bless you :)