Wednesday, July 7, 2010


2 buah roti pizza siap pakai
6 sdm saus tomat
1/2 sdt oregano
garam, gula, merica secukupnya
1/2 bh bawang bombai, iris tipis
1/2 bh paprika, belh,iris tipis
1/8 bh nanas, iris tipis
50 gr jamur champignon, iris tipis
2 bh sosis sapi, iris tipis

1. Saus tomat: tumis sedikit bawang bombai dengan margarin sampai layu, masukkan saus tomat, oregano, garam, gula dan merica. Masak hingga kental.
2. Letakkan roti pizza diatas loyang, olesi dengan saus tomat.
3. Tata sayur di atasnya, panggang sampai matang.

Sweet Sour Cakwe

4 bh cakwe goreng, potong 3cm
3 siung bawang putih
7 sdm saus tomat
1 sdm kecap ikan
1 sdm saus tiram
1 sdt lada bubuk
gula pasir secukupnya
100 cc air

1. Goreng cakue hingga garing kecoklatan, sisihkan.
2. Tumis bawang putih, masukkan semua bahan lainnya, didihkan.
3. Masukkan cakue goreng, aduk rata, angkat dan taburi daun parsley dan daun bawang.

Cerita dari negara barat yang patut direnungkan

Ketika aku masih anak perempuan kecil, ibu suka membuat sarapan dan makan malam.

Dan suatu malam,setelah ibu sudah membuat sarapan, bekerja keras sepanjang hari, malamnya menghidangkan sebuah piring berisi telur, saus dan roti panggang yang gosong di depan meja ayah.

Saya ingat, saat itu menunggu apa reaksi dari orang-orang di situ!
Akan tetapi, yang dilakukan ayah adalah mengambil roti panggang itu, tersenyum pada ibu, dan menanyakan kegiatan saya di sekolah.

Saya tidak ingat apa yang dikatakan ayah malam itu, tetapi saya melihatnya mengoleskan mentega dan selai pada roti panggang itu dan menikmati setiap gigitannya!

Ketika saya beranjak dari meja makan malam itu, saya mendengar ibu meminta maaf pada ayah karena roti panggang yang gosong itu.

Dan satu hal yang tidak pernah saya lupakan adalah apa yang ayah katakan: "Sayang, aku suka roti panggang yang gosong."

Sebelum tidur, saya pergi untuk memberikan ciuman selamat tidur pada ayah. Saya bertanya apakah ayah benar-benar menyukai roti panggang gosong.

Ayah memeluk saya erat dengan kedua lengannya yang kekar dan berkata, "Mary, ibumu sudah bekerja keras sepanjang hari ini dan dia benar-benar lelah. Jadi sepotong roti panggang yang gosong tidak akan menyakiti siapa pun!"

Apa yang saya pelajari di tahun-tahun berikutnya adalah " belajar untuk menerima kesalahan orang lain, dan memilih untuk menghargai perbedaannya" - adalah satu kunci yang sangat penting untuk menciptakan sebuah hubungan yang sehat, bertumbuh dan abadi.

Great Words from My Dear Dad

Mobil jerman bukan jaminan keselamatan.
Menyetir dengan hati-hati dan sabar itulah kunci keselamatan.

Membawa selusin bodiguard bukan jaminan keamanan.
Rendah hati, ramah dan tidak mencari musuh, itulah kunci keamanan.

Obat dan vitamin bukan jaminan hidup sehat.
Jaga mulut, diet yang benar dan olah raga yang teratur itulah kunci hidup sehat.

Rumah mewah bukan jaminan keluarga bahagia.
Saling mengasihi, menghormati dan memaafkan, itulah kunci keluarga bahagia.

Gaji tinggi bukan jaminan kepuasan hidup.
Bersyukur, hemat dan menyayangi berkah itulah kunci kepuasan hidup.

Pangkat tinggi bukan jaminan hidup terhormat.
Jujur, berkredibiltas dan disiplin itulah kunci hidup terhormat.

Hidup berfoya-foya bukan jaminan banyak sahabat.
Setia-kawan, bijaksana, solidaritas, suka menolong itulah kunci banyak sahabat.

Kosmetik bukan jaminan kecantikan.
Semangat, kasih, ceriah, ramah dan senyuman itulah kunci kecantikan.

Satpam dan tembok rumah yang kokoh bukan jaminan hidup tenang.
Hati yang damai, kasih dan bebas tiada keserakahan dan kebencian itulah kunci ketenangan dan rasa aman.

Tuhan memberkati :)

God's Love Letter To Women

When I created the heavens and the earth, I spoke them into being. When I created man, I formed him and breath life into his nostrils. But you woman, I fashioned after I breathed the breath of life into man because your nostrils are too delicate. I allowed a deep sleep to to come over him so I could patiently and perfectly fashion you.

Man was put to sleep so that he could not interfere with the creativity. From one bone, I fashioned you. I chose the rib, which protects his heart and lungs and supports him, as you are meant to do. Around this one bone I shaped you, I modeled you, I created you perfectly and beautifully.

Your characteristics are as the rib: strong, yet delicate and fragile. You provide protection for the most delicate organ in man, his heart. His heart is the center of his being; his lungs hold the breath of life. The ribcage will allow itself to be broken before it will allow damage to the heart.

Support man as the ribcage supports the body. You were not taken from his feet, to be under him, nor were you taken for his head, to be above him. You were taken from his side, to stand by him and to be held close to his side.

You are My perfect angel… you are My beautiful little girl. You have grown to be a splendid woman of excellence, and My eyes fill when I see the virtues in your heart. Your eyes… don’t change them. Your lips, how lovely when they part in prayer. Your nose, so perfect in form. Your hands, so gentle to touch. I have caressed your face in your deepest sleep. I have held your heart close to Mine. Of all that lives and breaths, you are most like Me. Adam walked with Me in the cool of the day, yet he was lonely. He could not see Me or touch Me.

He could only feel Me. So everything I wanted Adam to share and experience with Me, I fashioned in you; My holiness, My strength, My purity, My love, My protection, and support. You are special because you are an extension of Me. Man represent My image, woman My emotions. Together, you represent the totality of God.

So man, treat woman well. Love her, respect her, for she is fragile. In hurting her, you hurt Me. What you do to her, you do to Me. In crushing her, you only damage your own heart; the heart of your Father and the heart of her Father. Woman, support man. In humility, show him the power of emotion I have given you. In gentle quietness, show your strength. In love, show him that you are the rib that protects his inner self.



The first and most important rule of good manners is kindness and consideration to others. This rule never changes. The source of this rule is the Bible, and it is the second most important commandment next to loving God: "Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself".

General Good Manners

* Think of the others first. (Phi 2:4-5, Rom 12:10)
* Be hospitable and friendly. (1 Pet 4:9, Rom 12:13, Prov 18:24)
* Always say, “Thank you” - this is a way of praising others and one of the keys of good manners; not forgetting “Excuse me”, “Please”, “You are welcome”, “Hello” and “Goodbye”. (Col 3:15, 1 The 5:18, 3 John 14)
* Do not be boastful, arrogant or loud. (Titus 1:8; 1 Cor 13:4-5)
* Listen before speaking. Never interrupt. Look people in the eye, and listen carefully. (James 1:19)
* Before speaking to others consider what effect your words will have. Don't say thoughtless, unkind things. Pause and weigh your words carefully and say them in the right manner. (Prov 15:23,12:25,25:11)
* Never whisper, as it makes the person who can't hear feel left out. (Psalm 41:7)
* Never point or stare, especially at people with disabilities or those who are “different”. (Phi 2:3, Rom 2:11)
* Be thankful and show appreciation for gifts, help, etc.(Col 3:15, Ephe 5:20)
* Give compliments - a fundamental rule of good manners is to give. (Acts 20:35)
* Be considerate and do not embarrass others - treat others as you would like to be treated, and think of how you can put them at ease. Never demean anyone with rude jokes or an unwelcome nickname. (1 Cor 13:4, Phi 2:4, Luke 10:27)
* Do not criticise or complain. Negativity in any form is to be avoided. If you hear gossip, don't join in, be indifferent to it. If you disagree with others, do so respectfully. Don't verbally attack or condemn them. (1 Cor 13:5-7, Phi 2:14, Ephe 4:29)
* Never be ruffled. Be a calming, happy influence in any stressful situation and maintain your composure. (Prov 16:32, Psalm 37:8)
* Respect people's time and be punctual. If you make an appointment, arrive on time or even a bit early. If you're going to be late, always call and let them know. (Ephe 5:16, Matt 5:37)
* When you give your word or promise something, then you must fulfill it. Your explanation as to WHY you cannot keep your promise must be perfectly acceptable and not due to your own fault. (James 5:12, Ecc 5:4-5)
* If you borrow something it should be treated more carefully than if it were your own. It should also be returned promptly and if possible in better-than-original condition. When someone lends you money and you owe it to return this loan, then NEVER forget or delay this payment back. (Deut 23:21)

In Public

* Be helpful. Open doors (regardless of gender). Men should always open doors for women. (Heb 13:16, 1 Pet 3:7)
* Do not ask too many intimate or invasive questions the first few times that you meet a person. (Phi 2:3)
* To strangers/new ones: Do not comment on personal appearances or clothes in a negative way; if you cannot say something complimentary, do not say anything at all. (Psalm 12:5, Prov 11:22)
* Don't address elders and seniors by their names, unless they have specially asked you to. Stand up when an elder or a guest enters the room and don't sit until you've offered them a seat. (1 Pet 5:5, Levi 19:32)
* If an elderly person enters a bus or train, the younger offers him/her a seat. (Levi 19:32)
* A man should always offer the woman to enter a room first. (1 Pet 3:7)
* At a restaurant/official dinner, the man moves the chair away from the table and offers the woman her seat. (1 Pet 3:7)
* Girls/women should always dress modestly. (1 Tim 2:9)
* Be involved in a variety of community service organisations. (Matt 5:16, Titus 2:14)

At Home

* Introduce guests to everyone in your home. (1 Pet 4:9)
* Offer something to drink (a glass of water, a cup of tea/coffee) to anyone who steps into your home. (Heb 13:2)
* Do not continue to watch TV or surf the net when you have a visitor.
* Wear clean clothes at home. (Gen 35:2, Levi 6:11)
* Children should learn at a young age to help in the household and take over responsibility. (Deut 6:7, Exod 20:12)
* Children should stand up when the father or older people enter the room. They do not remain seated, e.g. in front of a TV. They should also offer the best seats. (Col 3:20)
* Goodbyes should be short and cheerful when you are the guest. If you have guests, be with them when they are leaving, making their visit pleasant to the end. (Phi 2:3, 1 Pet 4:9)


Prayer is a quiet time to devote ourselves to God.
It is a communion with God to be in His presence.
It is a fellowship with God to remain obedient to His command.
It is a time to talk and listen to God: a dialogue.
It is a time to express our dependance to God.
It is a a time to praise God for His power, presence, and wisdom.
It is a time to thank God for His love and grace.
It is a time to make known our intercessions, requests, and petitions.

Prayer is personal thing with God, not a parade in public.

Prayer is with faith and simplicity like a child talks to his /her father.
Persistent prayer is praying relentlessly keeps on asking, seeking and knocking.
Prayer is priceless contribution we can make to the life of other people, spreading God's kingdom and its righteousness.

Pray the hardest when it is the hardest to pray.
Prayer should be the first and foremost. It is not the last resort when all else fails.
Prayer should not be the only time to pray when we are driven to a corner.

Bible: The Oldest Book on Management

Mission Statement
The Sermon on the Mount (Matt 5:3-10) articulates that the kingdom of God is a lifestyle comprising:
1. Fellowship with God,not merely adherence to religious rituals.
2. Motive, not appearance, is the bottom line. Man sees outward appearance, but God sees our heart.
3. This is equivalent to mission statement.

1. Servanthood leadership. As the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve (Matt 20:28, Mark 10:45)
2. Service is a gift of love to people in gratitude for God's gift of love to us.

1. Do you have eyes but fail to see, and ears but fail to hear. (Mark 8:18)
2. It takes a dramatic turn of business environment to reinforce vision and change the business strategy.

1. So make yourself an ark of cypress wood; make rooms in it and coat it with pitch (Gen 6:14)
2. Plan ahead. Fail to plan means plan to fail.

Setting Priority
1. But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well (Matt 6:33)
2. Setting our minds on things above (God) not things on earth.
3. First things first. 80/20 principle.

1. Submit yourselves for the Lord's sake to every authority instituted among men.. (1 Pet 2:13)
2. Each one is accountable to higher authority.

1. Moses' father-in-law said to Moses "The work is too heavy for you; you cannot handle it alone" Select capable and trustworthy men, then delegate them, this will make the load lighter (Exo 18:17-22)
2. The perfectionist CEO says: If I don't do it, no one will. Even if others do it, they would not do it right. This CEO will become burned-out.

Change Management
1. There is a time for everything and a season for everything under heaven (Ecc 3:1)
2. Understanding the seasons of life for better prospective and the changed business situation for staying competitive.

Strategic Focus
1. This one thing I do: forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead (Phi 3:13)
2. Strategic focus/ targeted segmentation and forecasting is an essential ingredient for success.

Team Work
1. Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work. If one falls, his friend can help him up...A cord of three strands is not quickly broken (Ecc 4:9-12)
2. Team work divides the effort and multiplies the effect.

Capital Budgeting
1. Which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he has enough funds to complete it? (Luke 14:28)
2. This is similar to modern day cost analysis.

Praise the Lord!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Going Home: A Heartlift

Ingatkah lagu sederhana yang kita pelajari ketika masih kecil yang berjudul "Hitung Berkat"? Lagu itu berbunyi sebagai berikut:
Hitung berkat satu per satu
Kau kan kagum oleh kasihNya
Berkat Tuhan mari hitunglah
Kau niscaya kagum oleh kasihNya

Banyak dari kita yang sering mendengar lagu ini, tapi seberapa sering kita menghitung berkat kita? Menerima berkat berarti mendapat bantuaan dari Tuhan. Dan seringkali berkat ada di dalam hal kecil di hidup kita di mana kita benar-benar dapat meliat keberadaanNya.
Berkat seringkali ada dalam hal kecil, seperti sentuhan dari saudara di saat-saat sulit atau dalam kata-kata nasihat yang bijaksana oleh papa dalam situasi tertentu.
Keluarga berada dalam posisi yang unik dalam hal memberi berkat. Sejarah yang sama, latar belakang yang menyatu, dan tahun-tahun yang dilewati bersama, memberi sebuah keluarga pandangan khusus dan kedekatan yang intuitif.

Jika kita meminta nasihat, mereka akan memberikannya. Jika kita ingin berbicara, mereka akan mendengarkan. Ketika kita selesai berbicara, kita merasakan sebuah beban diangkat dari bahu. Masalah tak lagi seberat seperti ketika kita belum berbicara dengan mereka.

Untuk alasan yang tidak kita mengerti, Tuhan kadang membiarkan cobaan masuk dalam hidup kita. Berbagi dengan orang lain membantu kita menyelesaikan masalah itu. Dan ketika kita bebas, kita menyadari bahwa kita telah belajar banyak, tentang cinta Tuhan, keyakinan padaNya, dan jaminan keamananNya yang penuh. Sehingga pada akhirnya, kita pun dapat berbagi dengan orang lain dan membuat mereka nyaman.