Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Titus 2 Woman

"Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. Then they can train the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God."
Titus 2:3-5

I have been blessed to look up to a few godly women in my life. God called me into His Kingdom to serve Christ and others. However, He does not call His children into the Kingdom alone. He calls us to rejoice with the brethren, have fellowship and grow in the grace and knowledge of Him.
One of the most important Titus 2 relationships we should have with a woman should be with our mother.
I have been blessed to have a strong, healthy, and rich relationship with my mother, a relationship that has been open, truthful and most importantly Christ centered. As young women we must be quick to listen, slow to speak and humble enough to admit our sin and be willing to listen to our mothers who the Lord has given.
I know personally that it can be hard to take correction... but we must be willing to take correction...if we want to grow.
"Faithful are the wounds of a friend; but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful." ~ Proverbs 27:6

This being said, however,I understand that not all young women will ever have a strong Titus 2 bond with their mothers since we do still live in an fallen world, where many young Christian ladies might have moms that have died or some might even have moms that are non believers. But please let this not keep you from the rich hope of finding a Titus 2 mentor who can be a spiritual woman after God's own heart for you.

Seek out older women in church to be your Titus 2 mentor or spiritual mother,. The godly mentor you may find may be a woman in Christ who has never bore any earthly children, or a godly woman who has bore many and is in her Grandma stage of life!

Whatever stage of life she is in, before you seek her out to assume this awesome and important role, make sure she is a woman who is~
-fully devoted to Christ
-her heart is turned towards home
-she is a woman who sees her mission in life first to serve Christ and then to serve others.
-she is a woman who submits joyfully to godly authority.... (husband, elders in church etc)

To those younger women who think they are not a Titus 2 influence or a spiritual sister to anyone, let me assure you.... you are indeed! You might not be aware that anyone is watching you but let me tell you they might be! It could be little kid who is only five or six years old..... who is watching you from a distance...... admiring your modesty, feminity and even your respectful attitude toward your parents.
You can show them that modesty is lovely, femininity is beautiful and that respecting parents is somethinggood.

To the many godly woman, be assured of your noble calling in "training the younger women" in what things are good! Please be aware that we need this vision, hope and encouragement from those who have gone before us and walked paths that we have never walked.

And finally I dedicate this article to my dear mother.... who gave birth to me... who has loved me...
and who has encouraged me greatly in the ways of Christ and in the like manner of Titus 2.

1 comment:

  1. It's really great I believe you have the potential to be the great women of Titus 2.. thx for the sharing
